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Perinatal Anxiety and Depression: Dads Need Support Too

Alexandra Paez-Ferreira | Mar 28, 2023

While much of the focus on perinatal mental health tends to center around mothers, it's important to recognize that fathers can also experience anxiety and depression during this time. The perinatal period, which includes pregnancy and the first year after birth, can be a time of significant adjustment for both parents, and fathers may experience a range of emotions during this time. Perinatal anxiety and depression in fathers may manifest in different ways than in mothers. While mothers may experience symptoms such as crying spells, sadness, and feelings of guilt or worthlessness, fathers may be more likely to experience symptoms such as irritability, anger, and difficulty sleeping.


There are several factors that can contribute to perinatal anxiety and depression in fathers. These include a history of mental health issues, financial stress, relationship problems with their partner, lack of support from family or friends, and a feeling of being disconnected from the pregnancy or parenting process.

It's important for fathers to seek help if they're experiencing perinatal anxiety and depression. This can be a difficult step for some fathers, as there is still a stigma surrounding mental health issues in men. However, it's crucial for fathers to address their mental health concerns in order to ensure the well-being of themselves and their families. There are several steps fathers can take to manage their perinatal anxiety and depression. These include:


  1. Seeking support: Fathers can connect with other dads who are going through similar experiences by joining support groups or online forums. They can also talk to family members or friends who are willing to listen and provide support.
  2. Practicing self-care: Taking care of oneself is essential for managing perinatal anxiety and depression. This includes getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, and eating a healthy diet.
  3. Communicating with their partner: Fathers should try to communicate openly and honestly with their partners about how they're feeling. This can help to reduce feelings of isolation and promote a sense of teamwork in parenting.
  4. Seeking professional help: If fathers are struggling with perinatal anxiety and depression, they should seek professional help from a mental health provider. This may include counseling, therapy, or medication.


Perinatal anxiety and depression can have a significant impact on fathers, their partners, and their children. It's important for fathers to recognize that they're not alone in experiencing these feelings and that there is help available. With the right support and resources, fathers can manage their perinatal anxiety and depression and enjoy a healthy and fulfilling family life.

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